A/Q Wiring Service
3216 Barnett Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas 66102  (913) 342-9125  E-Mail: Ken@AQWiringService.com
Providing Aircraft Quality Electrical Systems Design, Installation & Service For Race Cars Since 1991

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About Me (Ken)

A/Q Wiring Service -- About KS

Auto racing is somehting a lot of people don't understand. If I'm not working on a car, I'm working at a race track -- something I've been doing since 1998. I enjoy being a F & C worker, it's the closest you can get to the car on the track without being in the car itself. It's like being at a car show, where the cars are doing what they're supposed to do: move, turn, brake, make noise, smell - all those wonderful things.
You won't get far with me if you want to talk about sportsball, politics or religion.

I take what I do very seriously. "Good Enough " only is used if I would feel comfortable in climbing in the car and putting it on the track myself. Compromise is not acceptable if it means lowering my standards -- I didn't do that in my aircraft mechanic days, and I won't do that now.

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Revised 12/31/23.
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